
Monday, November 19, 2012

Beach Christmas

With the holiday's approaching, more and more people have been pinning from my "Beach Christmas 2011" Pinterest board that I compiled last year as inspiration for my 2011 holiday decor.

beach Christmas decor decorations

Since it  was so popular, I though I'd share my 2011 holiday decor inspired by these pins.

Beach Christmas decor decorations

Beach Christmas decor decorations blue and green

Beach Christmas tree blue and green decor decorationsBeach Christmas ornaments decor decoration

This pretty shell and starfish garland was picked up by my hubby at a little tourist shop in Huntington Beach. I also got some of the blue and green ornaments (including what I call the "mermaid scales" ornament) and the little bead garland at, believe it or not, the 99cent store!

Then I hopped over to Joann's and picked up some burlap, which is pretty much the most inexpensive fabric there is (perfect for someone like me!), and some faux fur and made these stockings as well as the tree skirt.  And, for the whole effect, used pretty coordinating wrapping for the presents under the tree!

burlap and fur stockingsblue and green beach christmas

I also strung some bulb and shell ornaments on ribbon and hung them on my curtain rods to carry the color scheme throughout the room and add a bit of whimsy.

beach christmas decorwindow decor, beach christmas, christmas decorations

Finally, I brought the beach theme into the dining room with some starfish chair back decorations that I made by wrapping faux berries bought at Micheal's, a starfish, some ribbon and a sprig of Christmas tree with some twine and attaching them to each dining chair.  And for the fishing touches, don't forget the angel, poinsettia, and holiday treats!

beach christmas decor decorationbeach christmas decor decoration

beach christmas decor, blue and green christmas decorations

Hope you enjoyed!

This year I'm planning a white, gold, and silver Christmas with a fun little surprise. Do you have any fun holiday decor plans?

I linked up at Nesting Place. Check out the other fun decorations in blogland!


  1. Homa Style is having a 12 Days of Christmas link party going on now. I would love it if you linked up your beachy holiday. The link is http://homastyle.com/wp/2012/12/01/12-days-of-christmas/

    1. Looks like I missed it. I'll keep an eye out for your next link party.

  2. it looks beautiful! i love the tree and the colors!


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