
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

A Happy Change

I'm sooooo behind on blogging, but I'm in the middle of an exciting transition.  I got a design job!  This week I started working part time as a design assistant, which I plan to tell you more about when I have the time.  Right now it feels like I don't have time for much, but I'm sure it will be easier to manage things once I've been doing it for a little while.

I also had a really busy weekend. Here are some clips.  (If you follow me on Instagram you've already seen most of this)

Went to a fun rockabilly show called Rumble on Pine in Long Beach. Sat on hey, saw a friends 2 bands play, looked at cool old cars, and tried on hats!

Then I went up to my mom's and hung out with the kitties and their furry feet.  Next day, saw a friend's new house and the Jonathan Alder salt&pepper shakers that I got for their wedding in their new home. Went to breakfast with her and other friends and caught up. Then mom and I went to the LA Gift show and I tried on more hats... its one of my favorite past times.  Fun fun!

And now the new job.  Busy busy busy!  But I hope to be back on a regular blogging schedule soon. Hope I don't loose you guys!

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