
Thursday, June 13, 2013

Right Where You're Supposed To Be

Some times I have a hard time believing that.  Like right now, when I'm lagging on blogging, swamped with school work, trying to stay on top of bills, attempting to fit in time for networking and job search opportunities, and wishing I was already the other side of this leap from one career to another.  So I'm telling myself this and perhaps someone else out there needs to hear it today also...

Thank goodness I can look forward to time with my parents this weekend for Fathers Day and my dad's birthday.  Being around those you love always helps!

In other news, the power jack on my lap top completely broke the other day so I took it apart and replaced it (thanks to this video), which worked great! The only problem is now it can't find the operating system.  So I'll be working on that as well as homework for a bit.  Hopefully I'll be back to you guys with some more exciting design stuff next week. For how here's a little clip of my life these days.

Elevations and details for my lighting class are done! Next up is a design board for project "Handsome Elegance."  Stay tuned for inspiration images, lighting selections, and the like.

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